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How to Repost on Instagram in 2023

Instagram has become one of the most booming social media platforms with over 2  billion monthly active users. 

Over the years, Instagram has gradually evolved into a creative social media marketing tool with lots of brands using it to reach their target audience and selling the product and driving sales.

There are different methods to repost on Instagram such as using the built-in feature, taking a screenshot of the post and reposting, or using third-party apps designed for this purpose.

In this blog, let’s see :

  1. How to repost from Instagram Feed to Feed
  2. How to repost from Instagram Feed to Stories
  3. How to reshare Instagram Stories
  4. How to repost from Instagram Reels to Feed
  5. How to repost from Instagram Reels to Stories
  6. Why is scheduling your Instagram posts necessary
  7. How to schedule a Repost
  8. Best Practices for Reposting on Instagram

Reposting relevant and high-quality content also builds social proof, fostering trust and credibility among your audience. By sharing user-generated content, you can expand your brand's reach and exposure to a wider audience. 

Moreover, it encourages user engagement and participation, creating a sense of community around your brand. By leveraging Instagram reposting effectively, you can boost your marketing efforts, increase brand visibility, and strengthen your brand's reputation.


How to repost from Instagram Feed to Feed

Reposting content from one's Instagram feed to another has become an increasingly popular way to share and curate posts. Whether it's about showcasing user-generated content or simply resharing visually appealing posts, learning how to repost effectively can enhance your Instagram experience and engagement.

Step 1 : Open the Instagram app and Take a screenshot of the post you'd want to Repost from your Instagram feed.

repost from insta feed

Step 2 : Click on the plus icon at the bottom to create a new post.

repost from insta feed

Step 3 : Select the screenshot or saved image from your gallery and proceed to edit.

repost from insta feed

Step 4 : And publish it on your feed.


How to repost from Instagram Feed to Stories

Understanding the process of reposting to Stories not only expands your creative possibilities but also enables you to amplify your content and engage with your audience in an innovative manner.This approach not only keeps your content fresh but also strengthens your connections with followers in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Step 1 : Open the Instagram app and find the post you want to repost from your feed.

repost to insta stories

Step 2 : Tap on the paper airplane icon below the post and select "Add post to your story."

repost to insta stories

Step 3 : Customize your story by adding stickers, text, or drawings.

repost to insta stories

Step 4: And, share it with your followers.

Learning the art of resharing Stories not only facilitates the spread of meaningful posts but also cultivates a sense of community and interconnectedness within the platform. Incorporating the practice of resharing Instagram Stories can weave a tapestry of shared experiences and collective expression. By embracing this feature, users contribute to a richer digital dialogue, forging connections that extend beyond individual profiles and encapsulating the true essence of social media engagement.

To reshare someone’s Instagram Story, you need to be tagged in the original creator’s story.

Step 1 : Open the Instagram app and go to the story you want to reshare.

Step 2 : Tap on the "Add to your story" icon at the bottom of the screen.

repost to insta stories

Step 3 : You can customise the post before posting it to your own story.

repost to insta stories

How to repost from Instagram Reels to Feed

Exploring the process of reposting Instagram Reels to your feed opens up an exciting dimension of content sharing and creativity. Unveiling the mechanics behind reposting Reels to your feed not only allows for the broader visibility of captivating short videos but also enhances your profile's visual storytelling potential.

Step 1 : Open the Instagram app and locate the Reel you want to repost.

Step 2 : Third-Party Apps for Instagram Reposting

Using third-party apps for Instagram reposting is an option for users to "Repost" Reels on Instagram because Instagram does not allow downloading reels or reposting them.

These apps are designed specifically for reposting on Instagram and can offer additional features and customization options.

One of the main advantages of using a third-party app for reposting is the ability to customize the reposted image, and change the size and format of the post. 

These apps also often offer additional features such as scheduling reposts or tracking engagement metrics for reposted content.

Step 3 : Copy the link to the Reel and download it using the repost app.

Step 4 : Customize the caption and other details, then post it to your feed.


How to repost from Instagram Reels to Stories

Embracing the practice of reposting Instagram Reels to your Stories transforms your profile into a canvas of creativity and connection. By seamlessly merging these two formats, you create an immersive experience that resonates with viewers, fostering an environment of shared enjoyment and interactive storytelling.

Step 1 : Open the Instagram app and find the Reel you want to repost.

repost reels

Step 2 : Tap on the paper airplane icon below the Reel and "Add Reel to your story."

repost reels

Step 3 : Customize your story, and share it with your followers.

repost reels

Why is scheduling your Instagram posts necessary

Scheduling your Instagram posts is crucial for effective social media management and maximizing your impact on the platform. Firstly, it helps you maintain a consistent presence. Consistency is key on Instagram, as it keeps your followers engaged and builds brand recognition. By scheduling your posts in advance, you ensure a steady flow of content, even during busy periods or when you're unable to manually post. This consistency helps you stay top-of-mind with your audience and establishes trust and reliability.

Secondly, scheduling allows you to optimize your posting times. Understanding your target audience and their behavior on Instagram is vital. By analyzing metrics and insights, you can identify the times when your followers are most active and likely to engage with your content. By scheduling your posts to go live during these peak periods, you increase the chances of reaching a larger audience, receiving more likes, comments, and shares, and ultimately growing your follower base.

In addition to consistency and optimized timing, scheduling your Instagram posts also saves you valuable time and effort. Rather than having to manually post each piece of content, you can dedicate specific blocks of time to create and schedule your posts in advance. This frees up your schedule, allowing you to focus on other important tasks such as engagement with your followers, strategizing content ideas, or analyzing performance metrics. By streamlining your posting process, scheduling enables you to work efficiently and maintain a well-planned and engaging Instagram presence.


How to schedule a Repost

In the previous section you learned how to repost on Instagram. Sometimes you want to post at a designated time. Time is crucial for Instagram growth. So you need to know the right time to post to get the maximum engagement. You may not be available all the time. So scheduling the post would be the right way. Here are step-by-step instructions to schedule your post using Picmaker.

Step 1 : Login to Picmaker

schedule with picmaker

Step 2 : You’ll land on the dashboard. 

Create your posts and or use the plethora of templates available in picmaker. From either the templates page or directly through the dashboard or from the sidebar by clicking on Create a Design.

schedule with picmaker

Step 3 : Navigate to the social scheduler on the side bar

You will land on the scheduler page.

schedule with picmaker

Step 4 : Schedule your post

In the social scheduler page connect your social media profiles

schedule with picmaker

Step 5 : Select the accounts

Select the social media platforms you want to post your content on, choose the date and time that you want your posts to be published.

schedule with picmaker

Step 6 : Review

Review your scheduled posts on the calendar view to ensure that your posts are spread out evenly and optimized for maximum engagement

schedule with picmaker

You can use the Picmaker’s Analytics feature to track the performance of your scheduled posts and adjust your content and scheduling accordingly. 

Explore thousands of templates tailored for Instagram


Best Practices for Reposting on Instagram

To ensure that you respect the original creator's rights, offer value to your followers, and exhibit ethical conduct, it is crucial to adhere to recommended guidelines when reposting on Instagram. 

Below are some of the best practices to follow when reposting on Instagram

Ask for permission :

Request permission from the original creator before reposting their content. This shows respect for their work and helps to prevent legal issues in the future.

Give proper credit :

Always credit the original creator by mentioning their Instagram handle or using Instagram's built-in credit feature. Properly crediting the original creator not only avoids copyright infringement but also demonstrates respect for their work.

Add value :

Consider whether the content provides value to your followers before reposting. Reposting content just for the sake of it may not be beneficial to your followers or your brand.

Edit the post :

To add value to the repost and engage your followers, consider editing the post to include your own commentary or perspective.

Avoid offensive or inappropriate content :

Ensure that the content aligns with your brand's values and messaging and does not contain any offensive or harmful material.

Be selective :

Avoid reposting content too frequently, as this can come across as spammy and reduce the quality of your content. Be selective about what you repost and ensure that it adds value to your followers.


Enhancing Your Instagram Presence through Reposting

Reposting on Instagram can be a powerful tool for enhancing your presence on the platform. By reposting content from other users, you can provide value to your followers, engage with other users in your community, and showcase your brand's values and interests.

In short, reposting is a valuable tool for amplifying your presence on Instagram and cultivating a community of active followers. By observing best practices and thoughtfully selecting content to repost, you can use reposting to establish a distinctive and captivating brand presence on the platform.

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